Our Vision Our Mission
As a Christian community founded on our Catholic tradition we are 'at the service of the Word for One World'. (St Arnold Janssen)
UNITE us in the Spirit of BlessingMade in the image of God and blessed by our differences and uniqueness, we are united for one world.
NURTURE us in a Spirit of the SacredNurtured by the Holy Spirit we come together in love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control so that we will be living examples of God's word.
(Galatians 5: 22-23)ENCOURAGE us in a Spirit of KnowledgeEncourage and celebrate a love of learning where children are challenged, through teaching excellence, to pursue their personal best.
RECOGNISE us in a Spirit of InspirationInspired by those who contribute to a socially just world we come with a grateful heart to embrace our call to action.
EMPOWER us in a Spirit of GentlenessAs disciples of Jesus, in a spirit of gentleness and simplicity, we are empowered to live the word of God to create change for a better world.