St Flannan's Religious Education Program
St Flannan's Religious Education Program documents how our school provides the entitlement of each student to knowledge, understanding and skills in Religious Education that provide a foundation for successful and lifelong learning consistent with the Vision for Religious Education:
"The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society." (Brisbane Catholic Education Office)
The St Flannan's Religious Education Program shows a clear alignment between the Religious Education Curriculum, Archdiocese of Brisbane (2003) - the teaching of religion - and the Religious life of the School - teaching people to be religious in a particular way. The Program incorporates four Elements:
ELEMENT 1 - Students and Community
The school's Religious Education Program is responsive to the needs and religious backgrounds of students and the contemporary contexts for learning in the Religion classroom.
ELEMENT 2 - Curriculum Structure and Organisation
The school's Religious Education Program articulates a Catholic view of learning and teaching and is structured around the Model for Religious Education.
ELEMENT 3 - High Quality Learning and Teaching
The school's Religious Education Program is consistent with whole school approaches to learning and teaching across the curriculum. It identifies how these approaches are developed, communicated, supported and reviewed.
ELEMENT 4 - Monitoring and Evaluation
The school's Religious Education Program outlines how student progress and achievement are monitored to ensure high expectations for each student. It identifies how data is used to evaluate current practice and inform decision making and action related to the classroom teaching of Religion and the Religious Life of the School.
Focus Areas for Religious Education
During the year the students will engage in a variety of units of work in Religious Education. These Focus Areas can be viewed in the documents below. Class teachers will advise which units are being covered in the Term Overview, distributed at the start of each term, and found in the Learning 'From the classroom' tab above.
Contemporary Contexts of School Religious Education
Four contexts have been identified as having significant impact of Religious Education in contemporary Catholic and ecumenical schools. They are the Societal Context, Ecclesial Context, Educational Context and Digital Context. No one context can be ignored and each offers opportunities and challenges to schools as they endeavour to deliver high quality Religious Education in faithful and authentically responsive ways.
The four contemporary contexts and how St Flannan's responds to each context can be viewed via the links below: